
Inicio > Noticias > DGHOME REA collaboration Study Security research Stakeholder survey (PESI GT Security Resilience)

12 03 2024

DGHOME REA collaboration Study Security research Stakeholder survey (PESI GT Security Resilience)

PESI colabora con DGHOME de la Comisión Europea y su agencia REA en el estudio para potenciar la innovación e Investigación en Seguridad dentro del Programa Horizonte Europa (CL3 Civil Security for Society).

En este caso se trata de que los Agentes involucrados (Operadores IC, desarrolladores de tecnologías y sistemas, Empresas de Seguridad, ingenierías y centros de investigación), como posibles participantes en las convocatorias del programa europeo I+D+i en Seguridad faciliten su visión y comentarios a través de una encuesta online asociada al estudio. Los resultados del estudio serán facilitados a las entidades colaboradoras. Inicialmente remitimos esta invitación a colaborar a todos los miembros del GT Seguridad integral y Resiliencia de PESI.

Las entidades interesados en este Grupo de Trabajo y en preparar proyectos de innovación e I+D en Seguridad y Resiliencia de Entidades críticas (servicios esesniales), Emergencias-crisis y Ciberseguridad, contactar con la Secretaría Técnica de PESI (J. Larrañeta, en secretario-tecnico (at) pesi-seguridadindustrial dot) org y en el móvil 626 55 72 08).



We are contacting you regarding a study the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs is conducting, in close collaboration with Deloitte. This study, titled "Study on strengthening EU-funded security research and innovation" serves two principal objectives:

  • To look back at the EU’s funding of civil security R&I in the past 20 years to assess to what extent EU-funded civil security research and innovation was effective in realising its predefined goals and in responding to the security needs; and
  • To look forward and identify actions to maximise the impact and effectiveness of civil security research and innovation and enhance the Commission's capabilities to identify and address the contemporary security threats.


In the context of the data collection activities to collect the information to accurately assess the impact of 20 years of EU funded security research and innovation, the study team has recently launched a survey aimed at the wider EU security research ecosystem, in order to collect valuable insights from various key stakeholders. This survey focuses on the relevant research programmes since 2004, assessing to what extent EU-funded civil security research and innovation was effective in responding to the EU’s security-related challenges. 


As a key actor within the EU security research ecosystem, you are kindly invited to share your insights on the matter via the following link: The survey will take approximately 15 minutes of your time, and will be online until 29/03. Please note that your input and shared information will only be stored and analysed by the study team, and the results will solely be leveraged in the context of this study. 


Furthermore, we would like to encourage you to circulate this survey with all your contacts within the EU security research community (national and regional competent authorities, industry players, researchers, NGOs, end-users, etc.). It is only through a collection of a broad range of insights throughout the ecosystem, that we will be able to analyse the impact and performance of EU funding on this topic.

Should you have any questions on the survey, please do not hesitate to contact DG HOME via or the study team via

Thank you very much in advance. 

Best regards, The REA C2 unit

Socio oficial de la Campaña europea sobre la evaluación de riesgos


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